We Need Peace With Others to Live Outside in Our Crazy World

Unfortunately, I talk too much and sometimes say things with good intentions which are misconstrued. It is uncomfortable when I say something where the other person does not appreciate or agree with. Thus, I don’t enjoy having this conflict with someone else. Hence, we either choose to seek reconciliation thru conversation or do nothing. In my last conflict, I chose to do nothing. I realized further discussion would only create more conflict instead or peace.

Therefore, how can peace be achieved between individuals when there is conflict? Furthermore, we see conflict between nations or larger groups of people which is disturbing. Currently, college students protest for campus’ to change their policies due to the Palestinian and Israeli war. Unfortunately, there is a lot of unrest in our world

In Romans 5, peace with God happens when we are justified by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ. In the previous chapters in Romans, Paul discusses how God grants us justification and righteousness when we put our faith in Christ. Also, our righteousness is not based on any good deeds or merits we earn. So, God shows grace to us as sinners and saves us by Christ’s blood and sacrifice.

When we obtain peace with God, there is no hostility or wrath from God for sinful actions. Likewise, we don’t have any hostility towards God as we experience His abundant love and grace.

What benefits do we obtain when we put our faith in Christ –

  • Peace with God
  • Access to God by faith
  • Great Grace
  • Rejoicing in the Hope of the Glory of God = Promised blessing of eternity in the presence of God in heaven
  • Joy in sufferings or trials – How is there rejoicing? Suffering –> Endurance –> Proven Character –> Hope
  • Justified by His Blood and Saved from the wrath of God
  • Reconciled with God

How 2 Men affected Mankind –

  • Sin came into the world thru one man – Adam –> Death resulted from sin and spread to all men
  • One man’s trespass condemned all men
  • One man’s disobedience –> Many were made sinners
  • One act of righteousness –> Justification and life for all men
  • One man’s obedience –> Many will be made righteous
  • The Law shows the trespasses –> Sin increased –> Grace abounded all the more
  • Sin reigns in death –> Grace also reigns through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus

Having peace with God brings joy and rejoicing in life.

Peace with God changes our perspective when life gets tough. Persevere knowing God’s Grace will abound to prove our Hope in Him is real.

One man’s action can have tremendous effects as we ponder what Adam and Jesus did.

Consider how our individual life can effect other people’s lives to show God’s Great Grace! Do not under estimate how God can use your one life to influence many people to experience God’s Grace.

Faith Means So Much More When Accompanied with Actions!

Walk by faith and not by sight

From Margo

In California, the minimum wage is $16 for a job. If one is a fast-food worker, then the wage is $20. For health care workers, the minimum could be $18, $21 or $23 per hour depending on where they work. Obviously, these individuals work hard to earn their wage. Unfortunately, any employee’s pay is not always equitable to their physical and mental efforts. Additionally, workers earn higher wages based on their unique experience and knowledge. As a personal tutor, I earn $40 to $60 per hour since I am an experienced teacher.

What do we earn or deserve by our actions? Who do we admire for their great actions?

In Romans 4, Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness. However, this righteousness did not make him perfect. Hence, Abraham was not righteous due to his actions or works. When we work at a job, the wages are not a gift but are earned. Similarly, we do not work to earn righteousness. Instead, our faith in Christ is counted as righteous aside from works.

Even though David was a great king, he also failed God in his sins. But he was blessed when God forgave him of his sins.

“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.” Romans 4:7-8

Thus, this is grace where God sees us as righteous which is something we cannot earn. Interestingly, Abraham obeyed God to get circumcised about 14 years (Genesis 17) after he was declared righteous by God in Genesis 15. Thus, his faith, which made him righteous, happened before his act of circumcision.

Often, Jews felt special due to their acts of circumcision. Sometimes, we feel special when we help someone which is a good feeling. In reality, our good deeds do not make us righteous. Ultimately, our faith in Christ makes us justified by God. Also, Abraham’s circumcision was a sign of the righteousness he already had from God. Additionally, Abraham became the father of all who walk in the footsteps of faith.

Moreover, the Law was given to the Jews after the Abrahamic covenant. Therefore, Abraham’s righteousness is not due to the Law but only by his faith in God’s promises. Hence, Abraham did not have the law to follow and live by.

For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the righteousness of faith. Romans 4:13

Lastly, Abraham acted in faith when God told him he would be the father of many nations. How could this be since he did not have a son at this time. Also he and Sarah were old. Abraham was about a hundred years old.

No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God,  fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.  That is why his faith was “counted to him as righteousness.” Romans 4:20-22

Thus, Abraham acted in faith. He and Sarah tried for a several years to conceive. How many of us would try this around a hundred years old? Moreover, God honored His promise and gave them a son.

Consider how our good deeds are good but not good enough to make us righteous. When we believe in God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead, we are delivered from our sins and raised to justification by faith.

Act in Faith!

Rules Entice Us To Rebel But We Still Need Them!

Birds seem so free from rules and laws as they soar!

Often parents create rules for their children to teach valuable lessons. Thus, my parents enforced strict rules and expectations for us. Since we were raised with spankings as a consequence, we did not disobey very often. Today, rules can entice disobedience. When we watch movies or a series, characters often disobey the rules.

Are rules necessary if they can lead to disobedience?

In Romans 3, Paul begins questioning what advantage does a Jew have or is there value in a circumcision. Even though God entrusted the Jews with His Word and they failed to obey, does this conflict with God’s faithfulness? Culturally, people closely identified themselves as Jews or Gentiles.

In Romans 3:5-8, Paul asks if God is unrighteous to inflict wrath on man who is unrighteous. Is it fair for God to judge the world? If our sin shows God’s righteousness, then why should we be condemned as a sinner?

In Romans 3:9, Paul concludes that the Jews are not better off even though God gave them His Law initially. Jews and Greeks are all under sin. In verses 9 to 18, Paul mention there is none righteous. Everyone does not understand or seeks God. All mankind are not perfect and our words can deceive and curse. Also, man does evil and can shed the blood of others. Lastly, man does not have peace and does not fear God.

Why did God give the Jews the Law or the 10 commandments?

 For by works of the law no human being[c] will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin. Romans 3:20

Therefore, God gave the Law to all mankind to show us we cannot live up to these rules. Hence we acquire knowledge of sin by our failure to obey. No matter how hard we try, we will fail to be righteous since it is easier to sin and disobey.

Moreover, God’s righteousness is seen apart from the law. When Christ lived on Earth, He showed God’s righteousness in His life. He also provided God’s righteousness to all who believe and put their faith in Jesus Christ.

Then, Christ provided man redemption as a gift to be accepted. This redemption is possible with Christ’s propitiation by His blood to be received by faith. Thus, Christ’s blood allows God to pass over our sins. Additionally, God shows His righteousness in His gift of salvation by giving us redemption through Christ.

Lastly we are justified by faith apart from the works of the law. No one can abide by the law. We all will fail since we are sinners. Also God is not just the God of the Jews but also the God of the Gentiles. We can still uphold the law. Even when we fail in following the law, God allows us to be justified by our faith in Christ.

What do we learn from the 10 commandments or the Law –

  • All people fail and sin – No distinction of people for Jews and Gentiles
  • God is faithful even though man is not
  • None is righteous – No one understands or seeks God
  • The Law shows our failure and gives us the knowledge of our sins
  • The Law shows the righteousness of God
  • Grace is God’s gift to be justified without our sin
  • Christ is our propitiation by his blood when we receive Him in faith
  • We uphold the Law to see our failings and to act in faith

Frankly, we all get tired of rules. Sometimes, we choose to ignore certain rules.

Why do we need rules? To show our failure to obey rules even though the rules may be good for us. For example, it is a fact too many sweets and sugary foods are not good for health. How many of us are disciplined to stop eating desserts and candy? I need to eat a little bit of chocolate every day.

God gave us the Law or rules knowing we would break the rules.

Then God gave us His Righteousness and Redemption with Christ as the propitiation for our sins (shedding His blood to appease God’s wrath of man’s sin), and we are justified by faith.

Instead of identifying as a Jew or a Gentile, recognize our identity is in Christ when we are justified by faith.

Contemplate belonging to the Body of Christ and recognize the blessings and benefits!