Seek All with No Favoritism

IMG_9048 copy2Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.  Acts 10:34-35


In Acts 10, Cornelius, a centurion officer, was a devout and God-fearing man who was generous and prayed to God regularly.  He continually sought after God for His truth.  His prayers were answered when he was instructed by an angel to send 3 men to find the apostle Peter and bring Peter to Cornelius’ home.   In those days, Jew and Gentiles did not mix.  But God gave Peter the vision with the big sheet with all the animals to emphasize – all food from all animals is lawful and good.  This was emphasized 3 times and Peter understood he could reach out to the Gentiles.  The Gospel is for all.

Peter ends up at the home Cornelius and teaches them the Gospel and Salvation available through Jesus Christ.  Cornelius, his family and friends accept the free gift of Salvation.

In Acts 11, we see the first church in Antioch is established also as a result of the scattering of believers after the stoning of Stephen.  God is leading and teaching that he does not exhibit favoritism in His infinite love.

Today in society, everyone is concerned for their rights and equal treatment.  Christians are accused of being biased and discriminating others.  How do we show love with the sin we see in our community?

From Acts 10 to Acts 12 – We learn –

  • Seek God’s truth via prayer – As Cornelius did and God is faithful to answer
  • Seek All People with God’s truth – We may want to stay away from those who are different in us whether physically, financially, socially, or culturally – but we are not to play favorites.  If others who are different than us make us feel uncomfortable, we need to learn to accept the differences to teach God’s truths.
  • Seek to fulfill the needs of others around us – The church of Antioch helped others when there was a famine in the Roman world – Acts 11:29
  • Seek God’s power when persecuted – Peter was miraculously released from prison in Acts 12.  In Proverbs 29:27 (KJV)- An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.  If we need to take a stand for justice sake as per God’s word, we will be persecuted.  But God is faithful and can deliver.

As a result of these lessons the early church learned, they had many benefits of blessings – the early church grew tremendously as they went out to preach to the Gentiles.  They also saw God’s hand of deliverance as He led.  I need to learn how not to play favorites to gain God’s benefits and blessings.

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